Thing of the day Days 11,12,13 and 14

Posted by JFunk on 23/08/2015 in Gallery, Special projects |

I Got caught up with the making of all the stuff again and forgot to blog about it so here is what I have done for thing of the day for the past few days.

Day 11
Beyerdynamic T1 damping kit. This was designed to smooth out the treble peak in the beyer T1s and give them a more balanced sound without detracting from their amazing sound quality

Beyer T1 Damping Kit

Damping kit to smooth out the treble peak on the beyer t1s

Day 12
This is a bit of art Joe did. It is a triptych made from plastecine on board

Day 13
Day 13 of thing of the day.
Cheapo asynchronous 384K/32bit XMOS DAC with USB Audio 2.0 support for less than £30 to build.

I managed to pickup a developer board for the new XMOS DAC this only works on USB audio 2.0 which is not currently naively supported in windows so it was a bit of a bugger to get working – I just knocked up a basic case from 5mm acrylic and it sounds amazing – much more detailed than our old Arcam DAC.
It has 384K/32bit support so ready for some HD audio goodness.

I am planning to convert it to balanced and maybe add the option of running it from a battery to get rid of any ripple from the mains

DIY xmos dac in acrylic case

DIY xmos dac in acrylic case

Day 14

I am quite proud of this one… a restomodded MIG 15 helmet with modern headphone drivers and fully custom cable and earpads

a resto modded mig 15 helmet with modern headphone drivers

a resto modded mig 15 helmet with modern headphone drivers

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