South Park stule V700s
Working the on some southpark inspired V700s at the moment. I am using a 6 layer stencil for these which is taking ages to dry but looks quite good
Laser Module For The MDR-V700DJ
I have been toying with the idea of adding a laser to some headphones for a while. Now I have finally got round to sorting it out. I have managed to get the battery and lasermodule to fit in the earcup of the MDR-V700. Here are some picks of the results. For more details check […]
Dismantling Pioneer HDJ-1000 Headphones
Here is a guide to dismantling the mighty Pioneer HDJ-1000 DJ headphones. They are tough to pull apart and I don’t advise it if you can avoid it. Well Here We GO… Stage one. The easy one. Box fresh HDJ-1000s Stage two. Again not to hard – remove the foam earpads by unhooking one small […]
MDR-XD1000 frankenphones on the way
I have a few pairs of MDR-XD1000 frankenphones coming in for testing soon. I have spoken to a couple of people and the sound quality is supposed to be quite good. I cant wait to get them pulled apart and do some destruction tests on them so see if they will be suitable for spraying […]
New ROTM Headphones
I have started working on some new rise of the machine headphones at the moment. I have started with a pair of sennheiser HD 25-13 ii as I had some spare knocking around. They came out quite nicely but as they are quite small headphones they are tricky to do. When my next batch of […]
Rolla Technics 1210 headohones
Currently under construction is a pair of custom Technics RP-DJ 1210. I have never done a pair of these before as they are quite new. Over all they felt well made and were nice and light weight which was nice. The main USP as far as I could was the locking swivel hinges which is […]
Well… I suppose I had better start a blog to help with SEO and things. I will try to update it regularly with the various projects and things the team and I are working on. In the pipeline at the moment is a new cutting machine to make automate the stencil cutting process and a […]