Woop Woop – we are Pono Certified

Posted by JFunk on 28/11/2015 in Special projects, Technologys, Uncategorized |

We finally got our certification through so people can be sure any pono products they get from us will be fully compatible. To celebrate the fact we are now selling a balanced version of the T5p for the Pono with a detachable balanced cable


Balanced HD800 cable with 4pin XLR

Posted by JFunk on 16/09/2015 in Technologys, Uncategorized |

With most of today’s high end headphone amps offering a balanced connection to squeeze a little more sound quality from high end headphones we have designed a range of balanced cables to get the most out of them. They are made from our ultra low capacitance silk covered litz wire so have much lower capacitance […]

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Day 9 of thing of the day.

Posted by JFunk on 19/08/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

I have been planning on building a balanced headphone amp and DAC on a budget of under £100 for a while, gradually buying up bits off ebay and alibaba to make it with. Today I finished soldering the the components to the amp boards. There are two, one for each ear on the headphones in […]


Thing of the day

Posted by JFunk on 12/08/2015 in Gallery, Special projects, Technologys |

We have set our selves the challenge of coming up with one creative thing a day. A product, invention or piece of art every day for a month and then blog about it. Unfortunately we got so carried away coming up with things that I forgot to add the first two days to the blog.. […]


Balanced Beyerdynamic T1 with detachable cable

Posted by JFunk on 30/07/2015 in Gallery, General, Special projects, Technologys |

We are now offering modified beyerdynamic T1 headphones. They have a 4pin miniXLR in the earcups and come with a choice of balanced cables. We have also done some modifications to the damping on the earcups to smooth out the treble peak they have. We are also able to offer a send in service so […]

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Beyerdynamic Re-Cabling service

Posted by JFunk on 13/07/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

For many years we have just been making making custom headphones for people form our own new stock. Now, since we have started a “send in” service, by far and away the most popular one that people want modded is the beyerdynamic tesla range. I suspect it is because they are unusual in the high […]

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Prototype XMOS DAC with USB audio 2.0 support

Posted by JFunk on 12/07/2015 in Reviews, Special projects, Technologys |

I am slowly building a high end headphone amp from bits and bobs I can pick up on line. So far I have built two amp boards based on a lehmann design and have swapped out most of the capacitors for better quality ones. I have an RCore transformer to keep the noise down and […]


Combining art and engineering

Posted by JFunk on 10/07/2015 in Special projects, Technologys, Uncategorized |

When in college I initially took engineering specializing in electronics then did a course in are and design after that. It is always nice when I can use both disciplines on one job. I am making a extra special pair of beyerdynamic custom one pro with LED light up earcups. To make it extra special […]


Some glow in the dark DJ headphones

Posted by JFunk on 07/07/2015 in Pro DJ Headphones, Special projects, Technologys, Uncategorized |

We have had the ability to make some things glow in the dark but recently we have been doing it differently. The supplier of the pigment recommends putting it on as a coating over the design and then the lighter areas glow but it was a bit restrictive and gave mixed results. What we are […]

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Some custom balanced beyerdynamic T90

Posted by JFunk on 07/07/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

There is a lot of love for the beyerdynamic T90 but the lack of detachable cable annoys some people. With the rising popularity of balanced headphones if you want a balanced pair of beyerdynamic headphones you are pretty much limited to the T1. We are out to fix that by offering detachable cable and balanced […]

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