Balanced Beyerdynamic T1 with detachable cable

Posted by JFunk on 30/07/2015 in Gallery, General, Special projects, Technologys |

We are now offering modified beyerdynamic T1 headphones. They have a 4pin miniXLR in the earcups and come with a choice of balanced cables. We have also done some modifications to the damping on the earcups to smooth out the treble peak they have. We are also able to offer a send in service so […]

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Working on some Star Wars headphones

Posted by JFunk on 17/07/2015 in Pro DJ Headphones |

I am working on another pair of star wars fan art sennheiser HD25. This sort of thing takes a bit longer than most pairs and if you add up the time I probably make a loss on them but it is a labor of love. I am thinking of adding a glow in the dark […]

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It’s all about the bling this week

Posted by JFunk on 15/07/2015 in Gallery, Pro DJ Headphones |

Yesterday we had the swarovski covered HD25s and today we have some painted gold. Tomorrow we have a pair done in gold leaf so it looks like bling it the thing at the moment 😉

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Sennheiser HD25 covered in swarovski crystals

Posted by JFunk on 14/07/2015 in Pro DJ Headphones, Special projects |

We have not made these for a long time as they take a lot of work to do but I think I am getting quicker at doing them now. These have nearly 2000 swarovski crystals covering them. The trickiest part is the headband, if the crystals touch each other they will interfere with each other […]

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Beyerdynamic Re-Cabling service

Posted by JFunk on 13/07/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

For many years we have just been making making custom headphones for people form our own new stock. Now, since we have started a “send in” service, by far and away the most popular one that people want modded is the beyerdynamic tesla range. I suspect it is because they are unusual in the high […]

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Prototype XMOS DAC with USB audio 2.0 support

Posted by JFunk on 12/07/2015 in Reviews, Special projects, Technologys |

I am slowly building a high end headphone amp from bits and bobs I can pick up on line. So far I have built two amp boards based on a lehmann design and have swapped out most of the capacitors for better quality ones. I have an RCore transformer to keep the noise down and […]


Combining art and engineering

Posted by JFunk on 10/07/2015 in Special projects, Technologys, Uncategorized |

When in college I initially took engineering specializing in electronics then did a course in are and design after that. It is always nice when I can use both disciplines on one job. I am making a extra special pair of beyerdynamic custom one pro with LED light up earcups. To make it extra special […]


Custom Designed studio headphones

Posted by JFunk on 09/07/2015 in Pro DJ Headphones |

We seem to mostly make custom headphones for DJs and audiophiles but now and again we get to do some studio headphones. It surprises me more studios and producers don’t get them customized as I know the plain ones get “accidentally” taken home by bands and artists all the time. Here are some custom DT770 […]

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Some glow in the dark DJ headphones

Posted by JFunk on 07/07/2015 in Pro DJ Headphones, Special projects, Technologys, Uncategorized |

We have had the ability to make some things glow in the dark but recently we have been doing it differently. The supplier of the pigment recommends putting it on as a coating over the design and then the lighter areas glow but it was a bit restrictive and gave mixed results. What we are […]

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Some custom balanced beyerdynamic T90

Posted by JFunk on 07/07/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

There is a lot of love for the beyerdynamic T90 but the lack of detachable cable annoys some people. With the rising popularity of balanced headphones if you want a balanced pair of beyerdynamic headphones you are pretty much limited to the T1. We are out to fix that by offering detachable cable and balanced […]

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