Headphone painting guide – How we do it
Here at custom cans we have an open kimono business model which means we try not to have any trade secrets. This is a quick guide to how we paint the headphones, I’m not saying it is necessarily the only, best or quickest way to do it. But we have been experimenting for a couple of years to try […]
Audiophile Silver HD25-1 Cable
After drooling over some of the cables from moon audio and cardas I decided to make a real audiophile cable to see how much difference they make. I purchased some high end teflon covered silver cable and top of the range connectors and went to work…. First I took the cable and cut it into […]
Here are this months batch of Custom DJ Headphones to Drool over
Digital cammo Sennheiser HD25-1 mk ii DJ Headphones These next ones have a custom OFC cable to improve the sound quality Rush DJ Glow in the dark sony MDR-V700DJ Glow in the dark Garth Hill Technics RP-DH1200 Plain white and UV green These are so bright thet the camera could not capture the colours properly. […]