Day 9 of thing of the day.

Posted by JFunk on 19/08/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

I have been planning on building a balanced headphone amp and DAC on a budget of under £100 for a while, gradually buying up bits off ebay and alibaba to make it with. Today I finished soldering the the components to the amp boards. There are two, one for each ear on the headphones in balanced mode or to run two standard pairs of headphones. They are basically cheapish Chinese kits ( around £15 each ) and I have then swapped out a lot of the capacitors for higher end audio ones. I also picked up a step type volume control. Now, for another thing of the day I need to design and build a case and power supply for it.

It has to be said… I am not quite sure what I am doing but I learn through making mistakes so I suspect I will learn a lot from this project 🙂

DIY balanced headphone amp

DIY balanced headphone amp

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