Thing of the day – Day 4

Posted by JFunk on 13/08/2015 in Gallery, Special projects |

I suppose the main point of starting this thing of the day project was to prompt the team to finish all the half started projects.
Quite a while ago we started buying up interesting looking vintage headsets with the idea of moding them to work with modern portable audio equipment. Unfortunately we were so busy making cables and adapters for the pono player that the project got put on hold. Now things have calmed down a little and I am under pressure to produce one new thing a day I finally got round to finishing one of them.
These are a pair of 1930s/1940s ones designed to work with a crystal radio. They have been fitted with a new custom cable and foam pads. The internals have been swapped out for those found in the sennheiser HD201 – so not the best but a good proof of concept.

We have quite a few different models of a similar size so if I run out of “thing of the day” ideas I may make another one only with better drivers and pads

Modified crystal radio headset

A pair of 1930s headphones modified with new drivers with a steampunk look

They don’t sound as good as I hoped but with a bit of tweaking and tuning I am pretty certain we can give them sound quality to match their looks. They do have quite a cool vintage, almost steampunk look.
If you would like something like this once we have perfected the process just pop us an email and we can put you on the list


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