Uber HD650 with balanced cable for the PONO Player

Posted by JFunk on 19/01/2015 in Special projects, Technologys |

Here we have another in our range of modified headphones designed to take advantage of hi-res audio and balanced output on the PONO Player. Keeping with our theme of taking already great headphones and making them better we have plumped for the HD650 ( we also the the same mods on the HD600 as well )
The HD650 have been very popular in the audiophile community for a long time and are now widely being used in studios as well. They are very comfortable for extended listening periods and have a lovely open airy sound. You can close your eyes and you feel like you are there listening live. The only real complaint most people have it that they sound a little veiled and maybe a bit too smooth. This is great for MP3s as they are quite forgiving of the digital artefacts but in the age of High resolution audio we thought they could probably produce a bit more detail and be made a bit more engaging with a few tweaks.

On this version we have removed the foam from the back of the driver which is a popular mod in the DIY community and really livens them up a bit. We then mass load and brace the driver using lead to help the low end detail.

We also swap the stock cable for one of our ultra low capacitance ones the improve timing and impact which again brings out the added detail of FLAC and high-res sources . We can supply an adapter so you can use the balanced pono cable with other equipment as well for a small extra cost

The lead adds mass which helps the driver reproduce the very low frequencies more accurately. We did a bit of testing using a similar mass of clay and the lead seemed to improve things more noticeably. We are still not 100% sure why the lead made additional improvements but it may be something to do with leads diamagnetic properties pushing some of the magnetic flux back in towards the voice coil – either way it livens up the HD650 and HD600 and gives more low end detail.

You can buy them now in our shop HERE

upgraded HD650 with tweaks for hi-res audio

upgraded HD650 with tweaks for hi-res audio

Headphones for Pono Balanced and tweaked HD650

Headphones for Pono
Balanced and tweaked HD650

Modified HD650 with opened up drivers and mass loading

Modified HD650 with opened up drivers and mass loading


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