New Product! 3D Printed HiFiMan HE400se Super Grills

Posted by JFunk on 24/03/2023 in Uncategorized |

Jason has been hard at work, developing this new mod for the HiFiMan HE400se. It is a 3D printed grill mod for the ear cup. These inserts replace the original grills to make them sound more open. They re-tune them to keep the bass flat down to 15hz rather than rolling off at around 40hz, giving slightly more sub bass. It also smooths off some other areas of the frequency curve.

We were very impressed with the price to performance ratio of the stealth magnet version of the HE400se and decided to see how much extra goodness we could squeeze out of them. After months of re-designing the enclosure from scratch, it turns out they have a lot to give. We have improved the airflow which has given them deeper, punchier and more accurate bass. We also put a lot of work into the inside of the ear cup, which gives a much more open and airy sound, with a much wider sound stage.

You can purchase a Pre-Modified pair here: https://jfunk.org/wpc/product/modifie…

You can buy just the grills already printed here: https://jfunk.org/wpc/product/3d-prin…

Or if you want to print them your self or have them printed locally here: https://jfunk.org/wpc/product/hifiman…

Watch Jason’s video on the mod here:

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