Headphones and cables for the Balanced output on the PONO Player
We had seen the PONO Player on kickstarter and it had been in the tech and audio press quite a bit in 2013 but now there are finally units being shipped and it looks to be one of the most exciting DAPs to come out in a long time. One thing that made it look […]
New tool for opening the HD25 aluminium earcups
If you have ever wandered the best way to open the earcup on a pair of sennheiser HD25 and amperior then this is it. We have developed this new tool which quickly and easily opens the earcup of any of the HD25 and amperior range without damaging any of the components. It took a few […]
Beyerdynamic detachable cable mod by custom cans
The beyerdynamic DT770 have always been a very popular headphone for studio use and because of their great sound quality they are being adopted by the audiophile on a budget community. One thing a lot of people complain about is long fixed cable. There have been quite a few DIY forum threads on the subject […]
Custom Modified Fostex T50RP
The T50RP are well know for having massive potential for improvement so we thought we would give it a quick go. These had mass loaded drivers,modified baffle, upgraded damping and they were recabled with silver cable
Custom Cans Audiophile HD25-1 cable
We have been making the audiophile cable for quite a long time now. They were originally developed with a lot of trial and error and many hours of listening and have got a lot of good feedback about them. I have finally got some new toys so I can publish some more figures on it’s […]
The Audiophile Uber moded Sennheiser HD25-1 mk II are now officially for sale
As you may or may not know – we have been working on some sonic modifications to the sennheiser HD25-1 for over a year now and I am now pretty sure we have squeezed almost every drop of awesomeness out of them now. We have been pulling apart and modifying the HD25 for four or […]
Mr scruff to help test our new Uber HD25
We have been working on an Uber modified version of the Sennheiser HD25-1 for quite some time now. Originally we were going to launch it just over a year ago but unfortunately it coincided with sennheiser’s launch of the Amperior so I thought I would keep it on the back burner until the time is […]
We Have moved.
We had out grown our old unit and have been looking for somewhere new for quite a while. Finally we found somewhere that fits the bill, 3 times bigger, good natural light, ventilation for the extractors and where we can make as much noise as we like. The chaps at AVM business center were kind […]
Dismantling the Beyerdynamic DT1350
We have recently started stocking the beyerdynamic range of headphones. Most of their models are pretty straight forward to pull apart but our favourite model, the DT1350, had me scratching my head for quite a few days while trying to dismantle it without damaging any of the parts. I have now figured it out so soon I […]
Hubble image inspired Sony MDR-V700DJ
These were made for one of out very good customers – DJ Tide . They were inspired by a nebular shot from the hubble space telescope. There are LEDs built in so some of the stars light up They took months to make but turned out nicely 😉